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35 - 39 Years

Success rates (%) of ovarian stimulation and frozen embryo transfers 1 January to 31 December 2016

Success rates (%) of ovarian stimulation and frozen embryo transfers 1 January to 31 December 2016

This graph represents the live birth data provided by patients that received treatment at Compass Fertility between 1 January and 31 December 2016. Please note that results take 9 - 12 months to capture and not all patients are able to be contacted after their expected birth date. Pending results have not been included.

Ovarian Stimulation
The median number of cycles taken to result in a live birth was 2, though the majority of patients only went through 1 cycle.

Frozen Embryo Transfer
The median number of cycles taken to result in a live birth was 3, though the majority of patients only went through 2 cycles.