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Genetic Counselling

Compass fertility is pleased to offer the option of genetic counselling to all patients who attend our clinic or undergo treatment from one of our experienced clinicians. 


Genetic counsellors are health care professionals who have specialised training and education in the field of medical genetics as well as social work and counselling. They provide an individual and/or families with current information and supportive counselling regarding problems in health, reproduction and development that may have a genetic or biological basis.

Genetic counselling may be beneficial for many individuals seeking information or treatment relating to fertility issues. These may be antenatal (before pregnancy) or prenatal (after pregnancy).

How could genetic counselling benefit me?

  • Pre-treatment genetic counselling can help you prepare emotionally and psychologically for the challenges reproductive treatments often inspire. It can assist in the decision-making process and provide you with the opportunity to develop a stress management plan.

  • If you have had a failed IVF attempt and wish to learn more about the possible biological basis in a supportive environment, genetic counselling may be for you. It can help develop coping mechanisms to help minimise the stress and anxiety associated with failed IVF attempts.

  • If you are a woman who is over the age of 35 (Advanced Maternal Age) and are interested in learning about the risk factors and implications age has on fertility and reproduction.

  • If you and/or your partner have undergone miscarriage (or multiple miscarriage), genetic counselling can explore both the biological and the psychosocial aspects of pregnancy loss.

  • If you have received an unexpected result from your pre-IVF screening tests. For example, abnormal chromosome results or cystic fibrosis results.

  • If you or your partner has a known genetic condition and you wish to learn about your risk of passing it on.

  • When there is concern about exposure to some environmental agent such as drugs, medications, chemicals or radiation that might cause congenital conditions or affect fertility.

  • If you are in a consanguineous relationship (in a relationship with a blood relative), genetic counselling can provide you with clarification about possible risks and dispel certain myths.

  • Prenatal genetic counselling is also available for those couples who have achieved a successful pregnancy and wish to discuss the availability, outcome and implications of prenatal screening/testing, such as Nuchal Translucency Screening, Chorionic Villus Sampling, or Amniocentesis.