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Success Rates

Compass Fertility performed their first egg collection on the 13th of March, 2009 (as ISIS Fertility). Since then, Compass Fertility has had exceptional clinical results.

What are my chances of success?

Our Clinic's success rates are among the best in the country, across all age groups from those under 25 to those over 40 years of age* and our success is primarily due to our consistent and personalised excellence in care across our clinicians, embryologists, nurses, counsellors and administrative team.  The graphs below highlight the clinical success rates for Fresh IVF/ICSI cycles and Frozen (FET) cycles for past few years and across all age ranges.  

Clinical success: Compass Fertility defines a pregnancy as a heart beat on an ultrasound scan at 7 weeks gestation and not just a positive blood test.  

Clinical success rate for ivf/icsi cycles (fresh cycles) 2012-2014 by %

clinical success rates for frozen cycles (fet) 2012-2014 by %

Comparable Live Birth Rates 2012-2014 (hyperlink me)

Things to remember when looking at published success rates

When comparing success rates it is important to understand that many factors contribute to a clinic's results which include the range of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) offered and the criteria for allowing treatment. Some clinics see more patients with difficult infertility problems, including women over 40 and those who have failed IVF at other clinics where the probability of achieving a pregnancy is lower. Other clinics discourage many patients and only treat those with a high probability of achieving a pregnancy such as young women aged under 33 years or those with ovulatory problems who may do well on medicines like Clomiphene.  At Compass Fertility we treat all patients, even those who have been unsuccessful elsewhere. The Success rates will also be affected by a variety of biological and lifestyle factors, including:

  • Age: Chances of success decrease with age for both men and women, particularly for women over 35 and men over 40.

  • Infertility history: Chances of success increase with a positive fertility background.

  • Genetic factors: Inherited conditions such as genetic translocations can reduce success rates.

  • Lifestyle factors such as weight, smoking and nutrition: Increased weight, poor diet, smoking and high alcohol consumption all decrease the chance of a successful IVF cycle.

  • Quality control: Ongoing implementation and management of quality control increases success rates.

  • Skill and competence of the treatment team: Experienced and well trained staff impact greatly on the success of a cycle.

Not every treatment cycle will result in an egg collection, an embryo transfer or embryo cryopreservation. Further information can be obtained by referring to the Fertility Society of Australia statement on ‘Interpreting Pregnancy Rates: a consumer guide’

To learn more about the potential factors affecting your chance of success, please visit the Your Fertility website.

*To access national data and annual reports relating to perinatal outcomes of assisted reproduction and the effectiveness of ART treatments, please visit the following websites: Australia and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database (ANZARD) and the National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit (NPESU).